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Improve Efficiency of Business Operations Using Automation

Updated: Feb 10

In the digital era, streamlining business operations is key to staying competitive, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Cloud automation emerges as a powerful ally, offering tools like Microsoft Power Automate and AWS services (plus many more), which automate routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for strategic activities. These big tech cloud automation solutions are great, but they may not be what a small/medium business needs. In fact, automation is built into many commonly used website platforms such as WordPress, or Wix Studio. This tutorial guides you through leveraging automation to enhance your business efficiency, with a focus on using Wix's automation features to engage prospective clients effectively.

Understanding Automation

Automation utilizes technology to create and manage repeatable processes within cloud environments. For businesses, this means automating tasks like data entry, email marketing, customer inquiries, and more. Many modern technology tools and services provide the backbone for these automation processes, offering a wide range of pre-built templates and customizable workflows suited to various business needs.

Case Study: Automating Client Engagement on Wix Studio

Wix, a popular web development platform, offers integrated automation features that can significantly enhance how businesses connect with prospective clients. Here's how you can set it up:

Step 1: Setting Up Your Wix Studio Website

Ensure your Wix site is up to date and has forms or contact pages ready to capture visitor information. These elements are crucial for collecting prospective client details.

Step 2: Setting Up Wix Studio Automations

Preparing Your Site

First, ensure your Wix website is optimized for client engagement:

  • Contact Form: Add a contact form to your site. Wix provides customizable form templates that can be easily integrated into your pages.

  • Call to Action (CTA): Ensure there's a clear CTA near the form, encouraging visitors to reach out with inquiries or interest.

Creating an Automated Response

  1. Access Wix Automations: From your Wix Studio Dashboard and click on ‘Automations’.

  2. Create a New Automation: Click on ‘New Automation’. You’ll be prompted to define a trigger and an action for the automation.

  3. Set the Trigger: Choose ‘Form Submission’ as the trigger and select the specific contact form you’ve set up on your site.

  4. Define the Action:

  • Immediate Email Response: Configure the automation to send an immediate email to the person who filled out the contact form. This email could thank them for reaching out and provide additional information or next steps.

  • Notification to Business Owner: Additionally, set another action to notify you or the relevant team member via email that a new contact form submission has been received. This ensures prompt follow-up.

Customizing Your Automation

  • Personalization: Use the information submitted through the form to personalize the automated email response. Addressing the prospective client by name and referencing their inquiry makes the communication more engaging.

  • Follow-Up Actions: Consider adding a follow-up action, such as a reminder to contact the lead after a certain period or scheduling a call directly through tools like Wix Bookings.

Step 3: Testing and Monitoring

  • Test Your Automation: Before going live, test the automation by submitting a form on your site to ensure the process works smoothly and the email communications are sent as expected.

  • Monitor Engagement: Wix Automations provides analytics on your automation performance. Use this data to refine your messaging, timing, and follow-up actions based on engagement and conversion rates.


By utilizing Wix Studio's powerful automation features, business owners can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of making contact with prospective clients. From the moment a visitor expresses interest through your website, Wix Automations ensures they receive immediate, personalized attention, while also streamlining the follow-up process for your team. This level of automation not only improves operational efficiency but also enriches the client engagement experience, setting a strong foundation for future business growth. For those with the interest to get Modernized, reach out today!

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